He's our new family member. All of 6 weeks old. Emma talked us into it. My sister had a liter of corgi & shitzu mixed puppies...and this was the runt. And they brought him up from TX for thanksgiving....he's adjusting well! He had his sister here w/ him for a week to help with that. But now he's on his own. And whinning a bit at night. The kids love him & I think even Brian might!
PS...is anyone else having trouble sizing pix in blogger? It seems lately they all show up HUGE...and i can't adjust them w/out ruining proportions!
How CUTE is he??? Congratulations!!
Oh my goodness! What a cutie patootie! Congratulations to the whole family. Hopefully the whining will stop soon for you all. Ü
Congrats on the new addition! He is so adorable!
Erica--aaaaahhhhhhhhh!! A baby! He is so stinky cute! It makes me miss my baby (although we did go visit her three days ago!)!! So sweet. Congratualations!
Hi Major!!
Oh Erica - he's absolutely gorgeous - I want!!!
I bet you didn't take much 'Talking' into.
hugs Heather xx
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