Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Life Delights Page...

I used some life delights paper (never have used it...been saving it)....and some dimensional elements, prisma glitter...hidden journal tag, coluzzle for, fast.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

on ellen today...SO FUNNY...

I almost peed my pants...she is SO FUNNY! I just recently starated watching her too....the way she dances when the sow starts....and the stupid videos & all....and she is SO GRACIOUS to her guests....smiles & talks.....

today...she did interviews for an "employee"...and hidden camera ...oh, geez....she did a shot of booze, got a massage, just stupid stuff....and people just laugh & laugh and she is SO SERIOUS! And guitar hero...and shots, shots...just friggin hilarious!

and she wears a wedding band...from portia? hmmmm...I don't care what way she goes...she's FUNNY!
***Edited to add...oh no...didn't finish it yet...and she just had them dancing...THAT IS THE BEST PART!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


My mom came over this am & told me a few things, but it didn't sink she stopped by later & showed me how to read a pattern. Ugh...that's a lot of work! When you stamp or scrapbook...there really are no can improvise. With sewing...not so much. I think the finished product is quite cute...and will make two more. One for me, emma & my mom (a thank you for helping). Isn't it cute? I even put different fabric on the inside for a fun touch! I did not press, etc...just went fast & wanted it done! IT's just the right size for a wallet, a book, etc.

can't fix double images...sorry

" border="0" alt="" />
the baby cards were made today for a few friends who had babies. i no longer have babies...or going to have them so I don't ever buy baby stamps...apparently the rest of the world keeps having babies & maybe Is hould buy a few so I can make baby cards?!?! Oh well. And the local U has graduation in a few weeks..and their colors are gold & green (ew) but I think these work right?
I am selling them @ work!

Friday, April 25, 2008

2 peas ? Challenge~

Challenge~ What do you think about some of the latest trends in scrapping?


hmmmm...well I don't get to the LSS very often...but went a few weeks ago & loved the felt ribbon (although my lss has it set up WRONG!)....very fun...great retro colors & textures. I obviously sell Love them (although never like the winter book...but LOVE the spring one). I really like the papers we (ctmh) have coming out next month...bright, I like some of the new doodlbug glitters (sugar things). With money being tighter...for everyone...I notice I am more frugal on buying. I use more solid cardstock, stamp a background, or use minimal patterned (cuz it's always more $$). I do think it's funny that things I used 10 years ago are "coming back". Like scalloped scissors!

Celebration Boquet cards

Here are the cards I made tonight...I feel like my mind is clear & I can create stuff lately...apparently the meds have kicked in & work well. I used alot of scraps (actually all scraps) to make these, lots of pop dots, some glitter....

What to do on a Friday night?

Here are a few of my options:
1-sit here & continue to surf the www, watch Carson play wii Star Wars (kinda fun to watch)
2-go downstairs & stamp with new stuff
3-go downstairs & scrapbook
4-drive to loveland & have cousin show me how to sew from a pattern. i have sewn....but winged it. made this cute baby quilt from emma's baby clothes....but no rules. now i have these cute patterns for tote bags...and want to use the cute fabric....but darn it...can't figure out the pattern. duh. it's a 20 min drive, would pick brian up @ Daisy Dukes (don't ask if you can't figure it out..not a strip bar...just a bar)...on my way home. but do I wanna drive there & Home? Here is the stuff:

5-stay home, stamp/scrap/sit....and have mom come over & show me tomorrow & spend some quality time with her?

What shall I do???? My feet hurt, i smell funny (do you notice you sweat in certain clothes? i ones that are loose or tight in the arm pit @@)....cuz I sweated too much today & did spray tan. I THINK I SHALL STAY HOME!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Sarsparilla papers...LOVE THEM!

I LOVE this paper...boy or girl can be clean & simple, smudged or inked...and still looks fab!

We took a family day a couple of weeks ago & went to duck pond....and fed the ducks, geese & some other crazy birds.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Header

Do you like it? I stamped the paper...then scanned it & combined with some free digi art...and made my own special banner!

What did you do before we had the Internet?

2 peas blogger question of the day. "what did you do before we had the internet?"

Who knows! IT all happened around the same time for married, had a baby...didn't work for a few months...and had nothing to do. I don't know when I even first got on line. I guess it was about 10 years ago! I'll have to ask DH when we first signed up with AOL....and still are with them. Can't imagine having another server, aol is so easy & have used it so long. I guess I probably did more outside, more physical stuff, maybe was more social IRL. I tend to be a homebody but still want some online is great. I don't have to "fit in" in a physical or emotional sense...but can still express my interests & make friends. I really got into the WWW when I had the boy. About 6 years ago...I joined a expecting mom board (remember the old aol boards...oh..kinda miss them!)....and met some amazing ladies. Ended up meeting them IRL a few times too! Flew to meet them...weird! I even started scrapbooking about the same a wealth of info on the web for that too! So...what did I do....I DUNNO! It was such a changing time in my life....getting married, not living @ home, etc....I don't remember!

Monday, April 21, 2008

random stamping

This is the random stamped paper...used cranberry, heavenly blue, spring iris, goldrush, kiwi....and a few of the new stamps and made these cards:

Sunday, April 20, 2008


if you aren't a Husker have NO idea what I am going to talk I shall show you! We spent the weekend in Nebraska and went to the Spring Game on Saturday. It's a real football game, NCAA officials, fans, players...80,000+ fans....the team plays offense vs defense...4 quarters. Brian hasn't missed a spring scrimmage in all 13 years I have known him....and before that...not sure how long he's been going. We usually take the kids too..last year the kids @ I didn't go...but we did this year. It was perfect weather...low 70's, no wind....we tailgated, had fun with Molly & Dan who just moved out there. We played @ the hotel, got a few NU Hats, and finished off our weekend @ Molly & dan's where Molly showed carson how to shoot a gun...he was good too! Here are a few pix.

these two are of carson & molly, then carson & brian. Molly & Dan moved to NE & are living in this old farm house...where they shoot turkeys in their backyard for dinner! seriously.....I think we need to move there. I need chickens, goats & mabye one cow.
Emma @ her cute new hat.
uh...brian won't be happy i post this...but who says old guys can't do beer bongs eh?

how many teams sell out 80,000+ for a practice game???

carson & dad at the game

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

water mark...

this guy is amazing...I don't know how I found his site...but so glad I did. he has great work & the way he shows it is cool....and he did a watermark tutorial for photoshop! nooone can steal my photos or art! here is a photo my bro took & I water marked it!


డో ఉంతో ఒతేర్స్ అస్ యు వౌల్ద్ హవె తెం డో తో యు
do unto others as you would have them do to you

very cool...the translator thing is cool! maybe a tattoo in the language would be cool! like



what do you think of the daily quote? I kinda like it. I might start using them on cards or scrapbooking when needed.

i might also start using my blog for personal my sis. :)

let's was over 80 degrees yesterday & snowing today. damn colorado! i don't like the snow or cold anymore. cuz I am older now? cuz i have kids & they can't go out and play in it. ???

i ended my day yesterday with a 2 hour massage...the benefits of owning a can trade services. so it didn't cost me anything but a few tans. and my body felt it....with the fibromyalgia and the weather change & changing bulbs, doing body was sore anyhow. and the snow today makes me want to climb in bed & snuggle with the kids and sleep!

i don't work tomorrow so i am going to go get a pedicure i think! i sold extra stamps this month & have some change in my pocket!

and then friday we (family & jason) go to Nebraska for the spring game. if you don't know...don't ask. just know i am the worlds best wife & agree to drive 6 hours to watch a football practice wiht 80,000 other freaks.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Blooming card

even with BLOOMS I made by cutting flower in half & folding...held in place by a lovely brad. I used prisma glitter on the stems to perk it up a bit! i realize the quote is crooked...oh well.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A challenge to use PINK & BOY on a layout

I had heard some complaining about the new ctmh book having too much flowers & spring & pink....and do you use them??!? Well....I think it's not that hard! So....I will create as many flowery , butterfly, pinky, frilly pages as I can to prove them WRONG! is a start....i used ALOT of fun stuff! Some new swirly stuff, extremem caps, new buttons, ribbon, edge anchors....sparkles....and not too much if you ask me! You can view it close up by clicking on image...enjoy!