if you aren't a Husker fan....you have NO idea what I am going to talk about...so I shall show you! We spent the weekend in Nebraska and went to the Spring Game on Saturday. It's a real football game, NCAA officials, fans, players...80,000+ fans....the team plays offense vs defense...4 quarters. Brian hasn't missed a spring scrimmage in all 13 years I have known him....and before that...not sure how long he's been going. We usually take the kids too..last year the kids @ I didn't go...but we did this year. It was perfect weather...low 70's, no wind....we tailgated, had fun with Molly & Dan who just moved out there. We played @ the hotel, got a few NU Hats, and finished off our weekend @ Molly & dan's where Molly showed carson how to shoot a gun...he was good too! Here are a few pix.

these two are of carson & molly, then carson & brian. Molly & Dan moved to NE & are living in this old farm house...where they shoot turkeys in their backyard for dinner! seriously.....I think we need to move there. I need chickens, goats & mabye one cow.

Emma @ tailgate...in her cute new hat.

uh...brian won't be happy i post this...but who says old guys can't do beer bongs eh?


how many teams sell out 80,000+ for a practice game???

carson & dad at the game